TODO list
This TODO list is automatically generated from the <todo>
directives in other documents.
General concepts
The basics of Autotools
- Todo: This is too long for General concepts. It needs to be split up and moved somewhere, either to a top-level of its own or into Appendices.
- Todo: Stuff about libtool, libtoolize, elibtoolize, libtool.eclass. Which I know almost nothing about... Yay!
Emerge and ebuild relationships
- Todo:
The basics of Autotools
Ebuild writing
EAPI usage and description
- Todo: EAPI 5 is deprecated and should no longer appear here. The information needs to be split up and moved to other sections.
- Todo: EAPI 6 is deprecated and should no longer appear here. The information needs to be split up and moved to other sections.
EAPI usage and description
Tools reference
sed — stream editor
- Todo: write this
sed — stream editor
Gentoo DevBook XML guide
- Todo: Text inside a
element will appear in the TODO list.
Gentoo DevBook XML guide